Monday, 15 October 2012

I made it!

I just wanted to let you know that I'm back. Thankfully. And quite fine. Which is a huge accomplishment. Nevermind. More to come in the (hopefully) nearest future. Needless to say that it was worth all the effort and that all difficulties aside, it was really great. Now it's time to have a good sleep. Today's alarm clock - I sooo wanted to murder it! Nobody likes alarm clocks, right? But today's one was the worst! Anyhow, give me a minute or two (or more like a week or two) and maybe I'll manage to write something about this trip. In the meantime, maybe something else will appear here. Maybe. Not sure yet...

Friday, 12 October 2012

AEP - a reunion

When I go to Poznan, I try to visit the places I love. The first time we went there with our child, we took part in the Saint Martin Parade on Nov. 11. Artur was a year and a half back then (well, actually, it wasn't his first visit to Poznan, but I'm not treating them as such. I was still taking exams at IFa and he was... two months old). We also met with Ola and Beata then (both from IFA). This time it was time for AE reunion. Yes, AE, as it was still AE when we graduated.

We met at a playground. Us three, our guys and our kids. A total number of nine. Recalling old times, talking about the present and future a bit. The kids had a blast. We had a great time. And a great weather, although it was dark and the rain was threatening us. Then we packed our bags and drove back home. That was already the last day of our Poznan visit.

Once again, thanks Gosia for having us over. Both times. And just me the other one ;)
And Aga, thanks for finding the time to meet with us.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

I'm off to Tatra Mountains! Yay!

When you're reading it, I'm on my way to Zakopane to spend the next few days in the mountains. Tatra Mountains, to be exact. Keep your fingers crossed that I come back safe and sound.

There's snow in the mountains. And it might be cold. Probably would be. We're coming back Sunday evening. So, hopefully, see you on Monday.

There's one short story ready for you in the meantime ;) Yeah, I know I've been neglecting this blog a bit, but there's so much going on right now! I promised I'll get better. One day. Hopefully. Nevermind.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

My Poznan - Part II

For Part I - see here

The zoo. And Maltanka. And the May weekend right before our wedding day. And this second visit there with our kid. We thought he’d love the ride in Maltanka (a tiny train). We loved it so much a few years ago. Well, he preferred regular trams. 
I don’t know why, but I usually associate Cytadela and Browar with winter, while Malta and the zoo with spring. Well, I do get the zoo-spring association, but others… not at all. I’ve been to Cytadela waaay more times not-in-winter, same with Browar. Malta – as often in winter as in spring. And where’s autumn gone? Apart from Sobieskiego, of course ;) Weird, what my mind creates, what associations it makes without asking me for permission…

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

My Poznan - Part I

When I’m in Poznan, I try to visit every place I loved so much when I was still living there, hoping that it hasn’t changed. Not in the physical, material sense. It might have developed, I don’t mind that at all. I hope it hasn’t changed in the sense that it still evokes the same feelings and emotions in me.

That is why the first place I wanted to see in Poznan was Cytadela (citadel). So many memories. So, so, so many. Dates, walks with friends, discussing our serious life problems, taking weird pictures, organizing snow fights (yeah, we were all over 18 then), simply having fun. Some good old times. And all that is still there. Right, Gosia vel Szymon? ;)

The other place is Malta Lake. Due to the distance that separated me from Malta (Cytadela was right next to my flat), Cytadela was usually the more obvious choice for a place to relax. But Malta was there, too. Sitting by the lake, reading books, chilling. Ice-skating on the rink right next to the lake on cold winter evenings. 

Stary i Nowy Browar. The Old and New Brewery. A shopping centre right next to both my unis. Yeah… The shopping and window shopping escapades. Then Półwiejska Street up towards the Old Market Square.