Saturday, 4 January 2014

For the first time

I tend to get pretty proud of myself these days quite often. I try to find things I can be proud of and then make them happen. Works pretty well ;)

Four years ago, on New Year's Eve, we met with Krzysiek's cousin and her husband to do a bit of cooking. Later in the evening more people were to join us for a little gathering and celebrating the beginning of yet another year. Some of the things we prepared turned out delicious, other... not, some were never prepared. One of those "never" thingies was pasta. Ever since then I've been planning to serve my own home made pasta.

And on Thursday, after four years, I could officially say: I fulfilled this little goal. I made pasta. From scratch. All by myself. Ok, Arturek helped me. And we made it colourful! :) That was so much fun! And by the last piece of dough I already had a pretty good system worked out ;)

Here's the outcome (proudly presented on hangers ;)):

Dość często zdarza mi się być dumną z samej siebie ostatnio. Staram się wynajdować rzeczy, z których mogłabym być dumna i wprowadzam je w życie. Całkiem nieźle się to sprawuje ;)

Cztery lata temu, w sylwestra, spotkaliśmy się z Krzysia kuzynką i jej mężem, żeby sobie trochę popichcić. Później, bliżej wieczora, dołączyło do nas jeszcze kilka osób na wspólne witanie kolejnego roku. Niektóre dania wyszły przepyszne, inne... nie, a jeszcze inne nigdy nie powstały. Jednym z dań z kategorii "nigdy" był makaron. Od tamtej pory chciałam zaserwować mój własny domowej roboty makaron.

No i w czwartek, po czterech latach, mogłam oficjalnie powiedzieć: cel osiągnięty. Zrobiłam makaron. Od zera. Całkiem sama. No dobra, Arturek mi pomógł. I dodaliśmy mu koloru! ;) Świetnie się przy tym bawiliśmy. A przy ostatnim kawałku ciasta udało mi się nawet wypracować całkiem niezły system robienia makaronu ;)

Oto wynik naszej pracy (dumnie zaprezentowany na wieszakach ;)):


  1. Great job!! And I bet Arturek had a blast. How fun to make it so colorful, too!

    1. Thanks, Gesci.
      Anything to keep him happy and occupied, since he's spent a lot of time at home recently (much to his disappointment, I have to add, he was a bit sick) and I had to make up for the time he'd normally spend with other kids. He's so used to playing with kids, he misses his kindergarden a lot, but he's finally getting back there on Tuesday ;) He's thrilled!
      Pasta is so easy to make. I had no idea. I've heard stories that it's so difficult that I was scared to start making it. But it truly was a lot of fun. Time well spent, definitely.
      And, apparently, colourful pasta tastes way better than regular one ;) Although the pigments were absolutely tasteless ;)
