Friday 25 May 2012

Weekend is coming! Sooo close!

We had a wonderful weekend last week and it's supposed to be a wonderful weekend this week. Can't wait for it to come! I'm still at work, 7 more hours to go. Then a loooong drive home, picking my kiddo up on the way and then... enjoying myself and a beatiful weather for the whole weekend!

Weather forecast people have been telling us for a week now that storm with heavy rainfall and even hail is coming, but we stiil haven't seen any! It's not like I'm disappointed or anything. Far from that! I'm honestly happy as it's been sunny and warm all week! And last weekend was totally summer-like! I even got sunburnt... Yup, "lucky me", having really pale skin and being prone to suffering from all kinds of sunburns. But still, we went to the beach, rested a lot-a lot, had two bbqs (Polish stile, of course), spent the whole weekend out! It was really wonderful! I will post some pictures from last weekend some day in the nearest future.

And I planted pumpkins! Our radishes are already grown, not fully yet, but we can already eat them and they're delicious! I'm so excited about the upcoming weekend. I know, probably everybody is. But we're going to Leba next week! And to Poznan (for the long weekend - Corpus Christi weekend) in two weeks! Soo excited, so many places to see, to experience! And Poznan comes with sooo many good, happy, beloved memories!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

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